
MidSouthCon is presented by Mid-South Science and Fictions Conventions, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation who uses the convention to promote education and raise money for charities like Literacy Mid-South and the Science Fiction Writers of America Emergency Medical Fund. Over the years we have raised over $65,000 for our charities.

MidSouthCon is the longest-running annual fan-run multi-genre Science Fiction Convention in the Mid-South. It covers a diverse section of fannish culture that includes Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science, Comics, Horror, Education, Costuming, Anime, and Gaming. MidSouthCon has an average over 100 authors, editors, publishers, scientists, artists and other guests and panelists. It features more then 200 hours of programing, including panels, our annual Art and and Charity Auctions, Masquerade costume contest, and more. There is also hundreds of hours of gaming running non-stop throughout the weekend.

In addition to all the programing and gaming, MidSouthCon has all the staples of traditional science fiction conventions, including a first class Art Show featuring art for sale by artists from across the country, a well-stocked Dealer’s Room with vendors selling a wide variety of genre items, and a Con-Suite with free sodas and munchies where you can quench your thirst, sate your appetite, and schmooze with other fen.

Our Latest Flyer

MSC Rules of Conduct

A history of MidSouthCons

Contact Information

General Information: info@midsouthcon.org

Programming: programming@midsouthcon.org

Gaming: gaming@midsouthcon.org

Volunteers volunteers@midsouthcon.org

Registration: registration@midsouthcon.org

Dealer’s room: dealers@midsouthcon.org

Art Show: artshow@midsouthcon.org

Masquerade: masquerade@midsouthcon.org

Marketing: marketing@midsouthcon.org

To contact us via physical mail, the address is:

P.O. BOX 17724
Memphis, TN 38187

Convention Committee

Below is a list of our Convention Committee (ConCom) meetings for this year. We have subcommittee meetings throughout the year. The main ConCom meetings are held at the Memphis Main library at 3030 Poplar Ave in Memphis. We are usually in a Meeting Room immediately to the left as you come in the front entrance.

  • November 17th
  • December 15th
  • January 12th (scheduled for training room L-56)
  • February 2nd – TBD
  • February 16th – Room A
  • March 2nd – TBD
  • March 9th – TBD
  • March 16th – Room A
  • April 13th (scheduled for training room L-56)
  • May 11th – Room A
  • June 15th – Room A
  • July 20th (scheduled for training room L-56)
  • August 10th (scheduled for room C)
  • September 21st – Room A
  • October 19th (scheduled for L-56)
  • November 16th (scheduled for room C)
  • December 14th (scheduled for room C)

Meetings start at 2pm from April through January and 1pm from February through March, unless otherwise noted. From January to March there are two meetings per month. The second January and the February and March meeting dates and info will be posted when details are known. For a map to the library, click Here.

Marketing and Advertising Information

Our Guests of Honor will generally have a busy schedule during the convention. If you are a media outlet and would like to interview our guests during the convention hours, please send those requests to marketing@midsouthcon.org so we can ensure their schedule can accommodate it. Also send any requests for interviews with members of the Convention organizing committee to the same address.

If you would like to purchase an ad in our Program Book see our advertising page