We have just added Elizabeth Bear as our Author Guest of Honor.
The Mid-South's oldest SF Convention!
We have just added Elizabeth Bear as our Author Guest of Honor.
So far The GoHs for MSC 39 include:
Artists GoHs: Michael & Paul Bielaczyc of Aradani Studios.
Gaming Gohs: Kristin & Andy Looney of Looney Labs.
Science GoH: Stephanie Osborn.
Editor GoH: Sheree Thomas.
Our Hotel Block is open and the online reservation system is working.
Registration and all applications are open.
MidSouthCon 39 will be held March 22-24, 2024 at the Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center (located, 3 miles from Memphis, in Olive Branch, Mississippi). Pre-Registration will open in April.
Do to venue problems, MidSouthCon 39 is being postponed until March of 2024. We hate to skip 2023, but really don’t have any other options. We will post the exact dates soon, but we will definitely be back in March of 2024!
The Con staff is working hard on MidSouthCon 39
We will announce the details as the become available.
MidSouthCon 38 is over! Thanks go out to our staff, and everyone who attended, for making this such awesome event – we could not have done it without you!
Well the first day of the is still winding down. Rocky Horror is almost over, but the Are You a Werewolf game is still in full swing. The programming schedule has been updated, and you can checkout the latest changer here. Two more fun filed days to go!
MidSouthCon Attending guests have been posted here.