The MSC 39 venders are listed here.

The Mid-South's oldest SF Convention!
MidSouthCon is presented by Mid-South Science and Fictions Conventions, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation
The MSC 39 venders are listed here.
We are happy to announce that Huffoto ( is going to be the official MidSouthCon photographer this year!
We will be updating the website over the weekend, causing some parts of the site become unavailable, or behave strangely. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
We have added Randall Pass as our Fan GoH.
We have just added Elizabeth Bear as our Author Guest of Honor.
So far The GoHs for MSC 39 include:
Artists GoHs: Michael & Paul Bielaczyc of Aradani Studios.
Gaming Gohs: Kristin & Andy Looney of Looney Labs.
Science GoH: Stephanie Osborn.
Editor GoH: Sheree Thomas.
Our Hotel Block is open and the online reservation system is working.
Registration and all applications are open.
MidSouthCon 39 will be held March 22-24, 2024 at the Whispering Woods Hotel and Conference Center (located, 3 miles from Memphis, in Olive Branch, Mississippi). Pre-Registration will open in April.