Running Games

We are now accepting game submissions on our Tabletop Events Site.

Running Games at MidSouthCon – Like most Gaming and SF conventions, MidSouthCon is run by people who volunteer their time and energy, and (in the eyes of the gaming department), none are more appreciated than the people who run games at the con. Whether you are an old hand at running games at conventions or a complete beginner, you will find GMing at MidSouthCon a rewarding experience. Benefits: Besides the ever important social aspects and good karma, there are some more tangible benefits to running games at MidSouthCon:

  • GM Discount Badge — If you run 4 hours at MidSouthCon your badge is half price. If you run 8 hours you get a choice: either only have to pay $10.00, or you get a T-shirt. If you run 12 hours you get a badge for free, and if you run 16 or more hours you get in for free and get a T-shirt (subject to availability). Banquet tickets and the ConSuite Giveaway may be purchased at their regular price.
  • Food and Drink — GM’s gain accesses to the food and drinks available in the Operations room.

Combining Volunteer and GM benefits – GM & volunteer hours can be combined when calculating benefits, so let us know if you are volunteering as well as running games.